Wed, Mar 19, 2025
TSU, PIA, NYC, PCG work to increase youth awareness of WPS dispute
I. Agency's Mandate, Vision, Mission and List of Officals
Mandate and Function
Vision and Mission
List of Officials
AACCUP Level of Accreditation
II. Annual Financial Reports
FAR No. 1 - Statement of Appropriations, Allotment, Obligations, Disbursements and Balances - Current Year Appropriations
2015: 4th Quarter, 3rd Quarter, 2nd Quarter, 1st Quarter
2014: Quarter Ending, 3rd Quarter, 2nd Quarter, 1st Quarter
FAR No. 1-A - Statement of Appropriations, Allotment, Obligations, Disbursements and Balances by Object of Expenditures - Current Year Appropriations
2015: 4th Quarter, 3rd Quarter, 2nd Quarter, 1st Quarter
2014: Quarter Ending, 3rd Quarter
FAR No. 1 - Statement of Appropriations, Allotment, Obligations, Disbursements and Balances - Continuing Appropriations
2015: 4th Quarter, 3rd Quarter, 2nd Quarter, 1st Quarter
2014: Quarter Ending, 3rd Quarter
FAR No. 1-A - Statement of Appropriations, Allotment, Obligations, Disbursements and Balances by Object of Expenditures - Continuing Appropriations
2015: 4th Quarter, 3rd Quarter, 2nd Quarter, 1st Quarter
2014: Quarter Ending, 3rd Quarter
FAR No. 1-B - List of Allotments and Sub-Allotments - Current Year Appropriations
2015: 4th Quarter, 3rd Quarter, 2nd Quarter, 1st Quarter
2014: Quarter Ending, 3rd Quarter, 2nd Quarter, 1st Quarter
FAR No. 1-B - List of Allotments and Sub-Allotments - Continuing Appropriations
2015: 4th Quarter, 3rd Quarter, 2nd Quarter, 1st Quarter
FAR No. 2 - Statement of Approved Budget, Utilizations, Disbursements
2015: 4th Quarter, 3rd Quarter, 2nd Quarter, 1st Quarter
2014: Quarter Ending, 3rd Quarter
FAR No. 2-A - Statement of Approved Budget, Utilizations, Disbursements and Balances by Object of Expenditure
2015: 4th Quarter, 3rd Quarter, 2nd Quarter, 1st Quarter
2014: Quarter Ending, 3rd Quarter
FAR No. 5 - Quarterly Report of Revenue and Other Receipts
2015: 4th Quarter, 3rd Quarter, 2nd Quarter, 1st Quarter
2014: Quarter Ending, 3rd Quarter
BAR No. 1 - Quarterly Physical Report of Operations
2015: 4th Quarter, 3rd Quarter, 2nd Quarter, 1st Quarter
BAR No. 5 - Monthly Report of Disbursements
2013: 1st Quarter
Annex A - Statement of Appropriations, Allotments, Obligations, Disbursements and Balances
2013: Quarter Ending, 3rd Quarter, 2nd Quarter, 1st Quarter
Annex A.1 - List of Agency Budget Matrix/ Special Allotment Release Orders/ Sub-Allotment Release Orders
2013: Quarter Ending, 3rd Quarter, 2nd Quarter, 1st Quarter
Annex B - Detailed Statement of Current Year's Obligations, Disbursements and Unpaid Obligations
2013: Quarter Ending, 3rd Quarter, 2nd Quarter, 1st Quarter
Annex C - Summary of Prior Year's Obligations, Disbursements and Unpaid Prior Year's Obligations
2015: 4th Quarter, 3rd Quarter, 2nd Quarter, 1st Quarter
2014: Quarter Ending, 3rd Quarter, 2nd Quarter, 1st Quarter
2013: Quarter Ending
Annex D - Summary Report of Disbursements
2015: 4th Quarter, 3rd Quarter, 2nd Quarter, 1st Quarter
2014: Quarter Ending, 3rd Quarter, 2nd Quarter
2013: Quarter Ending, 3rd Quarter, 2nd Quarter, 1st Quarter
III. DBM Approved Budget and Targets
General Appropriations Act, FY 2015
Major Final Outputs 2015
IV. Projects, Programs and Activities, Beneficiaries, and Status of Implementation
TSU COC Philgeps
Projects Programs 2015
Beneficiaries 2015
Status of Implementation 2015
V. Annual Procurement Plan 2015
Annual Procument Plan 2015
Annual Procurement Plan 2015 (Supplemental)
Procurement Monitoring Report
VI. TSU PBB Accomplishments
TSU Performance-Based Bonus Accomplishment Report
Compliance Status
MFO Accountability Report Card (MARC)
A. MFO Accountability Report Card (MARC-1)
B. Good Governance Accountability Report (MARC-2)
VII. System of Ranking Delivery Units and Individuals
Ageing of Cash Advances
System of Ranking Delivery Units and Individuals
VIII. Quality Management System Certified by international certifying body or Agency Operations Manual
Management System Certification Audit Summary Report
Administrative Manual of Operation
Operations Manual - VP Admin and Finance Offices
Operations Manual - Research, Extension, Production and VP Academic Affairs