In the last year of his term as Tarlac State University president, Dr. Arnold E. Velasco addressed the TSU community about the university's current state, focusing on financial health, milestones, and accomplishments.
The State of the University Address (SUA) took place this Friday morning (March 28) at the Priscilla Hall of the TSU Hotel, Lucinda Campus.
Pres. Velasco’s presentation on the university’s financial status was patterned after the Commission on Audit’s findings, which were discussed yesterday in an exit conference with the COA audit team where TSU received an unqualified opinion for the 14th consecutive year.
Using the recommendations of COA as a guide, the university president also presented the cost-saving measures approved by the Board of Regents to be fully implemented at the university.
Meanwhile, among the milestones and accomplishments presented by Pres Velasco include the university’s receipt of finance-related awards in 2024, a recognition from the Commission on Higher Education Regional Office III as the first SUC in Central Luzon with 100% undergraduate and graduate programs granted a Certificate of Program Compliance, and the university’s second consecutive year to be awarded the platinum award for the 2024 Innovation and Technology Support Offices (ITSO) this April, the highest clustering distinction awarded by the Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines.
"I am now in my third year, and probably my last year as president, where I spent all eight years of my life, including my five years as a student. Those whom I closely worked with can attest that my commitment to TSU has never waived since my first day in April 2022," he said in his speech.