Fri, Mar 28, 2025
Pres. Velasco holds first State of the University Address
Office of the NSTP Director
The Tarlac State University- National Service Training Program (TSU-NSTP) is pleased to welcome all freshmen students to the premier university in the Asia-Pacific region.
As stipulated in Republic Act No. 9163 (NSTP Act of 2011), NSTP is established for the tertiary level which aims to improve literacy and numeracy skills, disaster risk reduction and management skills, and defense preparedness skills by developing service ethics, nationalism, patriotism and love for fellow citizens.
These are accomplished by undergoing two (2) semesters of training in any of the three (3) program components, namely:
- Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) which provides military training for the youth to motivate, train, organize, and mobilize students for national defense preparedness;
- Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS) which refers to activities that contribute to the general welfare and improvement of the lives of community members, as well as the improvement of their facilities, particularly those dedicated to improving disaster risk reduction and management, health, environment, entrepreneurship, and the morale of citizens and other social welfare services; and
- Literacy Training Service (LTS) which serves as an option for the youth who do not wish to undergo military training and opt for community service.
All incoming freshmen shall be enrolled in NSTP. They are further instructed to watch the audio-visual presentation (AVP) of the three (3) NSTP components and read the basic common module to facilitate better understanding.
Thank you and welcome to Tarlac State University!