In accordance with CMO #1 s.2015, TSU-GAD performs Gender-Responsive Extension Program through these methods: 1) Technical Assistance – the provision of professional expertise like consultancy services, mentoring, counseling and advisorship by trainers/professionals and GAD-experts; and 2) Linkages – the establishment of partnerships or networking with line agencies, Government and Non-Government Organizations (GOs/NGOs) and civil society organizations at the local and international levels for projects related to gender and development. In determining partnerships and linkages with recognized GAD-related local and international entities, TSU-GAD shall ensure that such partnerships are aimed at strengthening national development strategies and promoting gender equality and women empowerment.
Gender-Responsive Extension
Seminar and Trainings (In-House)
Extension Programs (In-House)
Extension Programs for the Community
Extension Program in support to GAD undertakings of Government Offices and Units
Partners and Linkages
Tarlac Provincial Capitol
Philippine Information Agency Tarlac
Tarlac Provincial Jail
Municipality of Gerona Tarlac
Municipality of Camiling Tarlac
Municipality of San Clemente Tarlac
Municipality of Moncada Tarlac
Municipality of Pura Tarlac
National Food Authority Tarlac
Doctrine and Capability Integration Center, Training and Doctrine Command, Philippine Army ((DACIC, TRADOC, PA)
Regional Gender and Development Committee (RGADC) III
Commission on Higher Education Regional Office III (CHEDRO III)
Tarlac Provincial Police Office
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